Improve hybrid working

Hybrid work is now the norm

The work we do in the office has changed. A hybrid work style means planning what work to do where and with whom. Help your teams adapt and excel at Hybrid Working.

A team all in the office together for collaboration
An example of a hybrid team schedule from DuoMe

Make the office an asset

Increase office usage

Your teams shouldn’t decide the best day to attend the office by booking a desk. Attract people to the office by co-ordinating valuable days where the right people and topics are collaborating in the same space.

Hybrid working metrics
scheduling workflow

Make it simple to plan

Users  set default workplans that show where they usually work from. If nothing changes the scheduling workflow automatically submits and assigns space.

a hybrid schedule email notification
Hybrid team schedule for Thursday showing who is in the office.

Plan who's where when

Work is no longer a location, it’s what you do across different locations. Organise how your hybrid team works and structure the types of work you do best by place.

Workplan preferences

Your best office day

Submit where you plan to work and pick the people or initiatives you want to collaborate on. Best office days will then be recommend based on your preferences.


Understand Best Practice

Use our guides to improve how you manage your approach to hybrid, flexible and remote working.

two people sat in front of a screen having a hybrid work meeting

What Is Hybrid Working? - Everything You Need To Know

A Comprehensive Guide To Hybrid Working, Answering What Hybrid Work Means and Explaining Everything You Need to Know About Hybrid Jobs And The Hybrid Working Model.

a sign saying flexible working

Flexible Working FAQ: What Is Flexible Working?

Explaining everything there is know about flexible working, all your flexible work FAQs answered included 'What Is Flexible Working' and 'What Is A Job Share?'

blocks spelling the word glossary

Remote Working Glossary

A complete glossary of all the words and terms relating to working from home, flexible working, remote working and hybrid jobs, understand what all these words mean!

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