Flexible working is the future of work we all want

Flexible working has become the default workstyle, bringing employee control over when, where and even how we work. The best companies are offering multiple workstyles to attract the best talent.

a lady having a virtual meeting
An example of a hybrid team schedule from DuoMe

Make the office an asset

Increase office usage

Your teams shouldn’t decide the best day to attend the office by booking a desk. Attract people to the office by co-ordinating valuable days where the right people and topics are collaborating in the same space.

Hybrid working metrics

Give people choice of location

Giving people control over the best locations to do their work is a key benefit of flexible working. Offices, home or third spaces are now standard options for flexible workers.

empower performance

Trusted to work flexibly

Enabling people to choose when and where they work at their productive best maximises the outcome for the organisation, customer and employee. DuoMe helps teams to work flexibly.

support flexibility

Help people co-ordinate

Help people be successful at flexible working by giving them the tools to plan and co-ordinate their work regardless of location. DuoMe helps flexible team do their best work at any location.


Understand Best Practice

Use our guides to improve how you manage your approach to hybrid, flexible and remote working.

two people sat in front of a screen having a hybrid work meeting

What Is Hybrid Working? - Everything You Need To Know

A Comprehensive Guide To Hybrid Working, Answering What Hybrid Work Means and Explaining Everything You Need to Know About Hybrid Jobs And The Hybrid Working Model.

a sign saying flexible working

Flexible Working FAQ: What Is Flexible Working?

Explaining everything there is know about flexible working, all your flexible work FAQs answered included 'What Is Flexible Working' and 'What Is A Job Share?'

blocks spelling the word glossary

Remote Working Glossary

A complete glossary of all the words and terms relating to working from home, flexible working, remote working and hybrid jobs, understand what all these words mean!

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