Location recommendations

Take the work out of planning office days

Make it easy to see which office days are best to connect with the people, teams or initiatives that are important to you. Keep updated as things change.

hybrid location planning

No more dud days in the office.

Give people visibility of what’s actually going on in your spaces. Book days in the office based on the people and topics being worked on. Keep updated as plans change.

a screenshot of DuoMe
Workplan preferences

Your best office day

Submit where you plan to work and pick the people or initiatives you want to collaborate on. Best office days will then be recommend based on your preferences.

People or initatives

It's more than a desk

Decide to be in the office based on whats important to your work. Know with certainty what days you can work on the things that are important to you in person.

calendar integration

Know whos where

Easily see which people you're meeting with are in the office. Control your calendar directly from your hybrid schedule.

Want to explore more?