Hybrid Working Benefits Calculator

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See how hybrid working impacts your finances and time with our simple to use hybrid working benefits calculator.

Hybrid Working Benefits Calculator

Hybrid working enables people to split their weekly working days between the office and remote. When you work from home the benefits and costs you incur are different to those when you work from the office. When you work from home you save on commuting costs but spend more on electricity and heating for your home.

Use our hybrid working benefits calculator to understand the impact on your finances of working more or less days at home in any given week.

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What Are The Benefits And Costs Of Hybrid Working?

When you commute to the office, the cost of travel, fuel, and parking can be considerable. For some the choice to move further away from the office during the pandemic means their costs might even include hotel rooms or Airbnb's for the nights they are in town.

It's also more than just the cost of commute, when you go to the office it often means buying lunch and getting refreshments like coffee. These costs all add up over the week making the number of days you spend in the office have a financial impact.

When you work from home, your costs of electricity for your laptop and making drinks goes up. When its winter, the cost to heat your home during the time you would usually be in the office is significant.

Use our calculator below to see the financial and time impact working more or less days in the office has for you.

Hybrid Work Benefits Calculator

About Author

Graham Joyce is co-founder of DuoMe, a flexible working advocate and a frequent panellist/commentator on the issues of flexibility or hybrid working.

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